Eric J Armstrong


Postdoctoral Scholar
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
58 Avenue Paul Alduy
66860 PERPIGNAN, France

I’m a postdoctoral researcher at the Université de Perpignan where I currently investigate the genomic and functional diversity of reef-building corals and fishes.  In general, my research is broadly centered around the field of environmental physiology and I'm particularly interested in the molecular and cellular underpinnings of organismal-level responses to climate change drivers in marine symbioses.

I take a broad and integrative approach to investigating how changes in the abiotic environment (especially alterations in temperature and pH) influence physiological processes in marine organisms, both across taxa, and across life history stages within a single species. Prior to beginning my postdoctoral work, I completed a Ph.D. in Integrative Biology at the University of California at Berkeley, and earned B.S. degrees in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Zoology from Michigan State University.  I also have a deep appreciation for the works of Ursula K. Le Guin. If you haven't read her novel The Dispossessed you should check it out!